Crossing Đèo Hải Vân (Ocean and Cloud Pass)

Especially for Hằng,

I always dreamt of crossing Đèo Hải Vân (Ocean & Cloud Pass), known as one of the most winding and hair-raising mountain passes in Việt Nam, on a motorbike. And this wish just came true last week when my good friend and coworker Hằng said with an exciting tone in her voice: “Let’s go to the top of Hải Vân Pass this weekend! I’ll be your rider!” I doubted a little bit at first as I thought she was joking but she did not. And so we hit the road in the fantastic weather of Saturday morning, sunny, breezy and cool. It was 13 October, 2012. I have to note down that memorable day in my travel journal as it will be one of the great stories to tell my grandchildren later in my life. Also, this is my longest motorbike ride so far, 210km back and forth in one day.

Enjoying the beauty of Lăng Cô Bay at the foot of Đèo Hải Vân
My good friend and coworker Hằng is one of the best motorbike riders I’ve known
It was a perfect day, sunny and breezy.
A train snaking around the mountain
One of the scary sharp turns on Đèo Hải Vân
A view of the road looking from the top of Đèo Hải Vân
The fabled Hải Vân Gate and bunkers on the top of the Pass
The mountain and ocean view looked from a bunker
Hải Vân Gate – hailed as “Thiên Hạ Đệ Nhất Hùng Quan” (The Most Imposing Gate) by Emperor Lê Thánh Tông