She sat down opposite him, the half-meter-wide table between them. After a little awkward silence, he looked at her half traditional and half modern, half local and half foreign attire, asking: “Your uniform is lovely. Which company are you working for?”
I like many kinds of food but I only love Huế food.
Bún mắm nêm – stinky but addictive

I believe that among many Vietnamese fish sauces, mắm nêm is the smelliest one. Some people even compare its odor with that of a stinky shoe. However, for some foodies like myself, we are addicted to this distinctive scent. I often fight hard to keep my saliva from running whenever I smell its aroma. Like renowned durian, mắm nêm also “smells like hell, tastes like heaven”.
Ms. Wait’s treat

Unlike other kinds of bánh canh which are ready to eat once they are served, bánh canh Mụ Đợi involves you in the last step of serving.