“Hands of Huế” Video Series

hands of hue, candied kumquát

Have you ever thought about thanking your hands? I always try to remember to thank my hands whenever I can. I love my hands and have taken better care of them since I learned to cook and realized how priceless they were. I believe that they are an amazing executor of our brain as they turn ideas into real things. The more I appreciate them, the more I admire the hands which touch things or people with love and care, or those which make beautiful things or delicious foods. With that I started a mini video project called “Hands of Huế” in December 2019. It’s planned to be a series of short footages featuring the hands of Huế people that move my heart with their passion and talent; however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and some other personal reasons, I am now focusing on the clever hands of my neighbor, Auntie Hương.