Huế, Việt Nam: A Peaceful Ride

Sometimes I feel like I’m a traveler in my own hometown. There are many beautiful and serene villages in Huế I haven’t visited so every weekend I go out “discovering” a little bit more about my “heaven on earth”. Most of the time, I do it on my violet scooter but one Saturday morning I decided to skip my 5-am-morning walk to cycle to Ngọc Hồ, a tranquil village I often saw from my favorite hill top of Vọng Cảnh. The 20-km ride was slightly tiring but peaceful and full of joy. It took me 3 hours and a half to finish the round. I know I’m a slow rider but I always talk to myself  to ride slowly so that I can live fully. And now it’s going to take you a whole precious minute to go through the photos of my bike ride in the video clip above.