Bạch Đằng Str. in Huế City runs along the man-made river of Đông Ba and dotted with a dozen of traditional panel houses and old temples on one side and with bodhi trees on the other. There is Diệu Đế Pagoda, built by Emperor Thiệu Trị in 1844, half way along the street. The pagoda sits in a verdant garden, facing the busy road of Huỳnh Thúc Kháng across Đông Ba Canal. Right in front of its gate is an open cement staircase leading down to the canal where the local people still doing their washing. To me, this street is like an invisible doorstep to old days when life is simpler and slower.
Until you could come walk with me in Huế, I leave you with the photos of Bạch Đằng Str. I took on March 5th, 2017.

Huế, March 2017